It's 1977 and the journey begins.  It is the year two self-taught artists, model makers and designers united forces.  Geoff Kayson and Trevor Phillipson from Manchester, England, began creating a range of extraordinary niche products.  Today the range is recognized as the world renowned brand “Alchemy England 1977”.  Our factory and HQ is located in Leicestershire, England where our products are creatively designed and skillfully handcrafted.
The Alchemy family quickly grew.  With a great demand in the US came the next, natural step.  1991 brought Alchemy Stateside!  Our American distribution office is now centrally located, deep in the heart of Fort Worth, Texas!  Ya’ll heard right, we added some edge and style to the great State of Texas!
The committed and dedicated staff of both our UK and Texas locations, along with all our treasured customers, are the backbone of our company.
Today, Alchemy can be purchased in many different types of stores, but owes its original growth to our "Mom and Pop” resellers.  Because of this, we value our small and large customers equally.  No matter what size business you have, you will always receive quick and friendly customer service, a real, live person to answer any questions you have, and a prompt turnaround time of 2-3 business days. 
If you are looking to purchase Alchemy products for yourself, please click here.  You can also call our offices at 1.800.578.1065 for details on a store near you.

Skull Creepers Shows


109.90 €


SLAYER Alchemy Logo

Wristbands (Leather)

29.90 €

Ul13 - anchors aweigh ring

Rings | Aneis

24.90 €

Ul13 - knuckles ring

Rings | Aneis

17.90 €

Ul13 - ring hi-roller

Rings | Aneis

15.90 €

Venetian gothic


134.90 €


War Pig

Pendants | Chains | Dog Tags

20.00 €

Showing 1723 of 23 results

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