CD (Lifeforce)

Available from 22/09/2010

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There is a saying that's been adopted when it comes to Berlin, Germany and its extreme metal output: "If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere!" WAR FROM A HARLOTS MOUTH have impressively proven their sustainable relevance and snappy creativity by combining tech metal, grindcore, hardcore and jazzy influences. The Quintet is looking back on five turbulent years and two full length releases through LIFEFORCE RECORDS - 2007's "Transmetropolitan" (LFR074CD) & 2009's "In Shoals" (LFR093CD) - and several split releases, countless tours all over the world and an impressive following amongst fans of extreme AND experimental music.....those years have merely been preparation for their third album....

..."MMX" showcase a wider range of ferocious influences than seen on the band's previous efforts. It carries a blackened, baleful vibe that introduces 8 string guitars to further push the boundries of what is possible. WAR FROM A HARLOTS MOUTH have been a unique and uncomprimising band right from the beginning and they're not content with simply continuing on what they do...they are raising the bar again!! "MMX" is their most extreme and furious release to date - without a doubt! WAR FROM A HARLOTS MOUTH are once again defining new standards for the extreme underground. It is not as simple as the title "MMX" suggests. The Time has come!

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