Imperial congregation

CD (Nuclear Blast)

Available from 08/10/2021

15.00 €

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In many respects, the dawn of the new decade 2020 drew humanity back into some of the most tumultuous corners of the dark ages, yet Death Metal Purveyors BLOOD RED THRONE found themselves swarming with inspiration. Their upcoming album, IMPERIAL CONGREGATION, delivers quality, old schoolsound while reflecting in part upon the self righteous nature of humanity; its incessant need to destroy itself through power, ignorance, and religion. “We live outside this system,” explains founder and guitarist Daniel Olaisen. “We don’t join in on the sheep mentality. Create your own possibilities, be responsible for your own misery or success!“
Communication and technology are an essential part of what made the writing and recording of IMPERIAL CONGREGATION possible in the wake of a worldwide pandemic. The freedom of tracking from the comfort of home was a huge advantage. One by one, each member recorded the guitar, bass, and vocal pieces in Olaisen’s home studio in Norway. “We all know our stuff, and know how we want things to sound,” he describes. Drummer Freddy Bolsø then completed his segments from his personal rehearsal space, and eventually everything made its way to Ronnie Björnström at The Mixroom - Enhanced Audio Productions, for mixing and mastering. “This is the first, but definitely not the last time we use Ronnie,” explains Olaisen, “we’ve never sounded as good as now, this dude is the shit!“
With over 25 years and 10 albums soon to be under their belt, BLOOD RED THRONE is dedicated to the continual delivery of straight forward, exceptional death metal with IMPERIAL CONGREGATION being no exception. “This time around we’ve made something new and fresh in our sound. We felt it from the very first song that was written; this will take us to a whole different level in terms of arrangements, riffs, vocals... everything. We are super-excited to share this with our fans, and incooperation with the greatest label ever,” Olaisen exclaims
  • Nuno Campos 28/05/2022

    Pra mim o som nitido de todos os instrumentos, a voz e as músicas são os destaques deste lançamento. Eu acho que eles são muitas vezes esquecidos na comunidade do metal por qualquer motivo. Este é um de seus lançamentos mais fortes, se não o mais forte! , sem dúvida. Mas eu tenho que dizer que é um dos melhores lançamentos no death metal brutal, tornando-o um de seus lançamentos superiores até hoje. Eles trabalharam bastante para terem este resultado,simplesmente poderoso, e estou impressionado com o resultado final. Eles realmente elogiam a música.<br />N.C<br />

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