

Available from 10/09/2012

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Gallows are finally ready to unleash the next phase of their punk rock attack on the world with the highly-anticipated release of their follow-up to 2009’s ‘Grey Britain’ album. Released via the band’s own label Venn Records (in partnership with [PIAS] Recordings), this self-titled album was recorded, produced, mixed and mastered by long-term friends Thomas Mitchener and Steve Sears. “We made this record self-titled as it musically defines the band known as Gallows as we exist today,” explain the band. “This is the first of many releases to come from the house of Venn Records, our imprint, hijacked from PIAS those long standing backers of independent rock n roll.” “This our statement of intent, our laugh in the face of those who said Gallows were done when in reality we're just warming up,” they continue. “We couldn't feel more vindicated and proud.”

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