The Used is an American rock band from Orem, Utah, USA. They signed with Reprise Records in late 2001 and rose to fame in June 2002 after releasing their debut self-titled album, The Used. They followed up with their second album, In Love and Death, in September 2004 and their third album, Lies for the Liars, in May 2007. An EP, Shallow Believer, was released in February 2008 that featured most of the band's B-sides to date. They spent the entire year of 2008 working on their fourth studio album, which was released on August 31, 2009, called Artwork.[4] The band has achieved both Gold and Platinum statuses in more than six countries worldwide.




17.50 €

Imaginary Enemy


14.90 €

Lies For Liars


17.50 €



13.99 €


Imaginary Enemy

LP12 Vinil

19.50 €

Live and acoustic at The Palace

LP10 Double Vinil

22.50 €

Clothing & accessories



18.90 €

The Used - Gray Logo WB

Wristbands | Pulseiras

9.50 €

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