Strike Anywhere is a punk rock/melodic hardcore band from Richmond, Virginia. Formed in 1999 after the demise of frontman Thomas Barnett's previous band, Inquisition, they took their name from the Inquisition song "Strike Anywhere". Their music is characterized by fast tempos, catchy melodies, and emotionally-charged vocals delivered via shouting and singing. The band has received an increased amount of attention after their music appeared in 3 Tony Hawk video games: Tony Hawk's Underground in 2003 ("Refusal"), Tony Hawk's American Wasteland  in 2005 ("Question the Answer"), and Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam ("The Promise"). They were also featured in the documentary Wake Up Screaming about the 2005 Vans Warped Tour. The band played their last show with guitarist Matt Sherwood in Auckland, New Zealand on March 17, 2007, with Mark Miller replacing Sherwood. Since then, the band has continued its regimen of international touring, including the group's first South American tour, where they played Brazil and Colombia. The band also did a European festival tour in Summer of 2008.


Change is a Sound


13.70 €

Dead Fm


15.00 €

Exit English


13.70 €

Iron Front


13.95 €


Exit English

LP12 Vinil

28.90 €

In Defiance of Empty Times

LP12 Vinil

17.90 €

Nightmares of the west

LP12 Ltd Vinil (Coloured)

18.90 €

Clothing & accessories



19.50 €

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