Snuff are a British punk rock band formed in 1986. Their name reportedly came about after a long discussion about names ended up with one of them claiming "That's Enough", which was then shortened to Snuff. The original lineup was Duncan Redmonds on drums and vocals, Simon Wells on guitar and vocals and Andy Crighton on bass, with Dave Redmonds being added to the line-up on trombone  before the release of Flibbiddydibbiddydob.

Snuff have released their material through a variety of independent labels including their own, 10past12records, as well as on Fat Wreck Chords a label owned by Fat Mike of NOFX.


5-4-3-2-1 Perhaps?


12.50 €


5-4-3-2-1 Perhaps?

LP12 Vinil

16.50 €

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