Shook Ones is a hardcore  band from Bellingham, Washington that have since relocated to Seattle, Washington. The band has done several tours of the United States and a three-week tour of Europe. In April 2007, the band toured Japan playing several shows with Easel. In November of the same year, Shook Ones left Revelation Records, along with many of the other bands that Revelation had worked with between 2005 and 2007.

The Summer of 2008 saw the release of a split EP with End of a Year, a band who had also left Revelation Records the previous fall. Philadelphia based Runner Up Records handled the release of the split, which features four songs from Shook Ones and one from End of a Year. The band's latest LP,The Unquoteable A.M.H., was released on Paper + Plastick.


Facetious Folly Feat

LP12 Vinil

15.90 €

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