The Oppressed is a Welsh anti-fascist  Oi! band that formed in 1981 in Cardiff. Most of the musicians in the band's various lineups were skinheads. Throughout the band's career, the members (especially vocalist Roddy Moreno) openly expressed opposition to racism  and fascism  — in their lyrics, interviews, on-stage comments and other actions. In 1989, Moreno visited New York City and met many members of Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice (SHARP). On his return to the United Kingdom, he started promoting SHARP ideals to British skinheads.[1][2]  The band has also had ties to other anti-racist groups, such as Anti-Fascist Action. Moreno is a Cardiff City F.C. supporter, and some of the band's songs express that support.

The band has split and re-formed several times. Their most recent split was in 2006, but they re-formed for a one-off gig in 2009, and will be performing around Europe in 2010.


Best Of


12.50 €

Live ´84


12.90 €

Music For Hooligans


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We Can Do Anything


12.90 €


Dead & Buried

LP12 Vinil

19.90 €

Fatal Blow

LP12 Vinil

19.90 €

Music For Hooligans

LP12 Vinil

20.90 €

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