The Mighty Mighty Bosstones are an American third wave ska band from Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Formed in 1983,[1] the Bosstones are often credited with the creation of the ska-core genre, a form of music that mixes elements of third wave ska and hardcore punk. The band released seven full-length albums, three EPs and a live album while touring continuously before their announcement of a hiatus in December 2003. They reunited in the fall of 2007 and performed together for the first time in four years at Boston's Middle East club. The band has continued to tour and record since.

In December 2007, the band released a compilation album, Medium Rare, their first release since the band reunited earlier that year. The band released their first studio album in seven years, Pin Points and Gin Joints, on December 8, 2009.


Awfully Quiet


14.90 €


Devils night out

LP12 Vinil

23.90 €

Don't Know How To Party

LP12 Vinil

22.00 €

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