INEVITABLE END is a metal act founded 2003 in Jönkoping, Sweden. Starting out highly influenced by the thrash genre they have gone through some good, developing processes to end up were they are today. Stably grounded in death metal they strive to give the sound of the genre a new face by mixing elements from several kinds of hard music. They most certainly are a live band delivering an intense, non-typical performance!

During the period of their EP's the band collected several promising reviews and made alot of noise in the underground scene. What's already past in the band's history includes visits to Norway, Finland, Czech Republic and Switzerland, additional to all the gigs played in their home-country Sweden.

After facing some line-up changes and a need to find more stimulation working together, the band moved their camp from Jönköping to Gothenburg.
With a more brutal sound in mind the most part of 2007 was spent in the rehearsal room creating what would be the “new” Inevitable End. This is already starting to pay off for the band: In 2008 INEVITABLE END signs a deal with RELAPSE RECORDS for the release of their up-coming debut album.

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