The Get Up Kids are an American  emo band from Kansas City, Missouri. Formed in 1995, the band was a major player in the mid-90's emo scene, otherwise known as the "second wave" of emo music. As they gained prominence, they began touring with bands such as Green Day and Weezer  before becoming headliners themselves, eventually embarking on international tours of Japan and Europe.[1][2]  They founded Heroes & Villains Records, an imprint of the successful indie rock label Vagrant Records. While the imprint was started to release albums by The Get Up Kids, it served as a launching pad for several side-projects such as The New Amsterdams and Reggie and the Full Effect.[3]

The Get Up Kids were viewed throughout their existence as a prototypical emo band, having been major players in the Midwest emo movement of the mid-1990s.[4] However, like many early emo bands, The Get Up Kids sought to dissociate themselves with the term, as it was considered dismissive to be seen as an "emo band."[5] Years later, guitarist Jim Suptic even apologized for having the influence they did on many of the modern third-wave emo bands, commenting that "[t]he punk scene we came out of and the punk scene now are completely different. It’s like glam rock now . . . If this is the world we helped create, then I apologize.”[6]

Due to some internal conflicts, the band broke up in 2005. In 2008 the band announced a 2009 reunion tour to support the tenth anniversary re-release of Something to Write Home About, their most successful studio album. They have written an album's worth of new material, although the band is considering alternative release methods.


Live at Granada Theater

LP12 Vinil

29.90 €

On a wire

LP12 Ltd Vinil (Coloured)

25.00 €

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