Eskorbuto was a Basque  punk rock band from Santurtzi (Greater Bilbao, Basque Country) which formed in 1980. They have been one of the most influential bands for Spanish and Latin american punk. They are known for their strong attitude and crude lyrics. They were one of the first bands to perform punk with lyrics in Spanish. Eskorbuto is a modified word taken from escorbuto  (scurvy  in Spanish). Along with the band La Polla Records, Eskorbuto has been very influential in the Spanish rock and punk scene.


Al Parlamento

EP7 Vinil

6.50 €


LP12 Vinil

26.90 €

La otra cara del rock

LP12 Vinil

19.50 €

Las Mas Macabras de las Vidas

LP12 Vinil

17.50 €

Los Demenciales chicos acelerados

LP12 Double Vinil

24.90 €

Maldito Pais

LP12 Vinil

24.00 €

Ya no quedan más cojones

LP12 Vinil

21.00 €

Zona Especial Norte

LP12 Vinil

19.90 €

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