Chuck Ragan is an American singer, songwriter, and guitarist. From 1993 until 2006 he was one of the lead singers for Gainesville, Florida-based punk rock band Hot Water Music. The group disbanded on good terms in 2006, and the other three members went on to form punk band The Draft, while Ragan launched a solo career playing folk music similar in tone to a former acoustic Hot Water Music side project called Rumbleseat. He has since released a series of 7-inches on No Idea Records, and a live album and a studio album on Side One Dummy Records. Hot Water Music reunited in 2007 for a tour across the United States and Europe.


Covering Ground


13.95 €

Till Midnight


14.50 €


Covering Ground

LP12 Vinil

16.50 €

Covering Ground

LP12 Vinil

17.50 €

Live At Skaters Palace

LP12 Double Vinil

19.50 €

Till Midnight

LP12 Picture Disc

17.90 €

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