Cephalic Carnage is an American deathgrind  band formed in 1992 in Denver, Colorado. The band comprises founding members vocalist Lenzig Leal and guitarist Zac Joe, drummer John Merryman and guitarist Steve Goldberg, who both joined in 1996, and bassist Nick Schendzielos, who joined in 2006. Cephalic Carnage has released five studio albums and toured in North America, Europe and Japan.

Cephalic Carnage plays a technically proficient deathgrind style, experiments with other genres and incorporates songs of joke nature into their albums, such as parodies of black metal or metalcore. They refer themselves as "rocky mountain hydro grind".


Halls of Amenti


11.90 €

Lucid Interval


12.50 €

Misled By Certainty


11.90 €

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