Cathedral are a doom metal band from Coventry, England.[1] The group forged a link between early doom metal and a 1990s extreme metal aesthetic, making doom slower and heavier.[2] Their debut album, Forest of Equilibrium, is considered a classic of the genre.[3] They later on changed their doom style, playing it in a more uptempo and groove-oriented fashion.




14.50 €

Anniversary (Deluxe)


11.90 €

Carnival Bizarre


12.90 €

Ethereal Mirror


12.90 €

In Memoriam


17.50 €

Serpent's Gold


14.90 €

The Last Spire


11.90 €

The VIIth Coming


11.00 €


Ethereal Mirror

LP12 Vinil

24.00 €

Freak Winter

LP12 Double Vinil

28.90 €

In Memoriam

LP12 Double Vinil

21.90 €

Return To The Forest

LP12 Double Vinil

24.00 €

The Garden of Unearthly Delights

LP12 Double Vinil

22.00 €

The Guessing Game

LP12 Double Vinil

22.00 €

The Last Spire

LP12 Double Vinil

22.50 €

The VIIth Coming

LP12 Double Vinil (Coloured)

34.00 €


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