All For Nothing is a female fronted hardcore band from south-side Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Behind the in-your-face hardcore, you will find metal and punk-rock influences in their music, all contributing to their own unique style.

All For Nothing was founded by Ernst-Jan Smits (Guitar and Vocals), Richard van Liessum (Drums), Marcel Helder (Guitar) and Normen Sam-Sin (Bass) in the beginning of 2002. After a long period finding out what direction the band should go they finally played their first gig in the beginning of 2003.




12.50 €

To Live and Die For


13.90 €

What Lies Within Us


13.99 €


Minds awake | Hearts alive

LP12 Vinil

19.90 €

To Live and Die For

LP12 Vinil

17.50 €

What Lies Within Us

LP12 Picture Disc

17.90 €

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