Bands > 16

Seminal sludge-rockers -(16)- drop a dozen new hits of misanthropy and spite on their new album Bridges to Burn. Their best album to date - including their legendary underground classic Drop Out - Bridges to Burn spills over with the violent self-loathing that is -(16)-’s caustic calling card. Ugly, angry songs pound and throb with the subtlety of a migraine, while tortured vocals rail about a life gone miserably wrong. Bridges to Burn is a perfect introduction to the band and the definitive prescription for long-time fans awaiting a new dose of -(16)-!


Into Dust


15.00 €

Lifespan of A Moth


13.50 €


Deep Cuts From Dark Clouds

LP12 Vinil

19.50 €

Into Dust

LP12 Ltd Vinil (Coloured)

27.90 €

Lifespan of A Moth

LP12 Vinil

19.50 €

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